On the front page right now is '"Space Monkey" Dropbox Competitor Wins Launch, Has Already Raised $750K', and just below it, is this title ('A fresh new Dropbox on the web'). I was expecting this to be a post praising their new competitor.
Anyway, a redesign was badly needed for the web interface. The last time I used Dropbox on the web I remember questioning how this could be a multi-billion dollar company.
On the front page right now is '"Space Monkey" Dropbox Competitor Wins Launch, Has Already Raised $750K', and just below it, is this title ('A fresh new Dropbox on the web'). I was expecting this to be a post praising their new competitor.
Anyway, a redesign was badly needed for the web interface. The last time I used Dropbox on the web I remember questioning how this could be a multi-billion dollar company.