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1. Anyone who says they don't have an agenda is lying. Everyone has their reasons for doing anything and everything.

2. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having an agenda.

Absolutely. I'm pretty sure that I don't like this guy's politics, his manner irritates me, and every time he says "porn scanners" I get douche chills. But by exposing the truth to the people who pay for it, he's doing god's work and I'm 100% behind him. Not in front of him, but behind him, because he's a brave, tenacious pitbull, and clearly not just fighting for himself.

Of course, if some TSA or government representatives show me proof that he was wrong, and in addition prove to me that this is not security theater for the personal profit of government cronies by dismantling some of Bruce Schneier's premises, I'll be 100% behind them too. It's just not likely that'll happen because this guy and Schneier show their work.

Adding to that:

If he makes a bundle of money in the course of defending our freedoms, then my hat is off to him. Bravo!

From an economics perspective, the fact that someone has turned a profit (in a free market) is prima facie evidence that he has delivered something of value.

Or he's discovered a new kind of sucker, cf. homeopathy.

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