While the modern Internet has certainly changed how documentation is published, your suggested three-part breakdown seems as relevant today as it did when documentation was mostly delivered in print.
It's also worth pointing out that being able to skim comprehensive, reference-style documentation to get a general overview of a technology without getting bogged down in irrelevant-for-present-purposes detail is a useful skill to learn.
“As the art of reading (after a certain stage in one’s education) is the art of skipping, so the art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.”
It's also worth pointing out that being able to skim comprehensive, reference-style documentation to get a general overview of a technology without getting bogged down in irrelevant-for-present-purposes detail is a useful skill to learn.
“As the art of reading (after a certain stage in one’s education) is the art of skipping, so the art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.”
— William James[1]
[1] https://archive.org/details/theprinciplesofp00jameuoft/page/...