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Start from an empty file and write to an imaginary API or pseudocode what you actually want to do and coding is easy and fast!

I think the high level imaginary API/pseudocode of any system is straightforward and fast when you start from scratch. (Because you're not focused on detail and just intent)

But when you start from an existing codebase, existing infrastructure, existing APIs, it slows to molasses. You've got to understand and have a mental model of ALL OF THAT before you can complete your intent.

I think this is why software takes longer than expected. Your mental model has to be accurate, and there is always more to learn.

How do you solve the problem?

I'm an advocate and trying to design what I call "commutative programming", which is another way of saying that the behaviour is the product of every statement about the behaviour that is desired, not an explicit instruction of what to do next which is what modern programming is and it is slow and tedious and doesn't compose. In this dream, if you want to change behaviour, you just add statements. Programming is additive! Not edit sourcecode or try to find out where to insert your lines of code or tweak existing lines. Let the computer tell you about conflicting requirements or missing criteria.

We need query engines and cost based optimisers for behaviour.

Imagine taking lots of files that are simple "writing to an imaginary API" - that's your intent specification. You just need to merge them together and your system is finished.

I started work on a commutative GUI https://github.com/samsquire/additive-guis but I'm also thinking from time to time about commutative code where we define refinements to desired behaviour and the computer behaviour query engine or rule engine generates the code or configuration that exhibits this behaviour. (A bit like Kubernetes for behaviour.)

In the future: we don't get LLMs to code for us, but we have highly expressive semantic vector spaces that map to architectural relationships and meaning of behaviour, and changing the architecture of a system to support new behaviour is a matter of changing the serialisation of semantic vectors via the prompt.

> way of saying that the behaviour is the product of every statement about the behaviour that is desired, not an explicit instruction of what to do next

I believe you'll enjoy reading "Notes on the Synthesis of Form" by Christopher Alexander [1]. There are many ideas in it, but at the later chapters the author proposes a system for solving design problems as a large graph of interacting requirements, where smaller sub-graphs are (hopefully reusable) components solving a smaller set of requirements.

Sounds similar to this idea of yours, just with a key difference in that the author sees it as a two-pass solution: first you "carve" out your solution by establishing a context boundary, and then do you "fill" it with an implementation - such that the solution is the minimal implementation that fits the context, and not anymore.

After reading the book, I have also adopted a similar approach (but with less formalism) to gather requirements for projects in the past.

I have thought about developing the ideas of the book further, if you find this subject interesting we can discuss (I can ping your profile's email). I'm certainly interested in hearing more of your own ideas, as it seems to intersect.

[1] Same author of "A Pattern Language", that inspired the design patterns concept in software

Thanks a lot for your comment!

I once read "The Timeless Way of Building" by Christopher Alexander but not "A Pattern Language"

I actually owned that book "Notes on the Synthesis of Form" but I never read it, I gave all my books away. Maybe I'll have to get it after I finish reading "Database System Concepts" which I am slow to read.

I would like to hear YOUR ideas too! Send me an email, I hope you shall tell me your ideas and thoughts and we can bounce off eachother. Please (and anybody else reading) do ping me - I love reading other people's thoughts and encouraging others.

The idea of using graphs to solve problems and breaking them into re-useable patterns resonates with me, I didn't realise that particular book had that in it. One of my programming projects was using the A* algorithm to do code generation in Python ( https://replit.com/@Chronological/SlidingPuzzle3 ) based on generating graphs of potential instructions.

> Sounds similar to this idea of yours, just with a key difference in that the author sees it as a two-pass solution: first you "carve" out your solution by establishing a context boundary, and then do you "fill" it with an implementation - such that the solution is the minimal implementation that fits the context, and not anymore.

Thanks for sharing that. It reminds me of Java interfaces but more powerful.

Interesting perspective. It reminds me of Eve [1], which was all the rage over here a few years ago.

[1] https://witheve.com/

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