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You may be correct (and I was mistaken in my previous post) for audio. The leaked (DP isn't really an open standard) DP-1.2.pdf on glenwing's site says that "The dummy stuffing data symbols during the video blanking periods (both vertical and horizontal) may be substituted either with main stream attributes data or a secondary-data packet", and the public 1.1a PDF indicates similarly.

MST is quite complicated and appears to interleave bytes from different video streams within 64-byte packets (rather than solely during blanking):

> The MTP (Multi-stream Transport Packet) is 64 link-symbol (1 byte of video data or special symbols) cycles (that is, 64 time slots) long, starting with MTP Header in the first time slot (or Time Slot 0), and is constantly transported regardless of the presence/absence of streams.

> The Payload Bandwidth Manager of each uPacket TX in the path from a DP Source to a target Sink device allocates time slots within the MTP to a VC (Virtual Channel) Payload to establish the virtual channel for transporting a stream.

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