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Regarding the so-called "parasite lawyer class", you might be interested in reading "Blocking the Courthouse Door: How the Republican Party and Its Corporate Allies Are Taking Away Your Right to Sue"[1]

From a Booklist review of the book:

  By demonizing trial attorneys and exaggerating high-profile litigation
  awards -- the famous McDonald's hot-coffee case -- campaigns for limiting
  damage awards threaten to jeopardize the American right to civil jury
  trials guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. Investigative reporter Mencimer
  examines the Republican campaigns for tort reform that would protect
  large corporations from "frivolous lawsuits." The campaigns carry the
  dual benefit of supporting the interests of corporations that are major
  Republican campaign contributors and hurting trial lawyers, who are part
  of the contribution base of Democrats. Mencimer criticizes the media for
  their lack of understanding about civil litigation, willingness to
  swallow reports of litigation abuses, and failure to understand that
  Republican tort reform will also limit the ability of news organizations
  to sue for information. Drawing on national data and scrutiny of
  individual cases, Mencimer defends the civil justice system and its
  reliance on jurors, average citizens who are the same people who vote.
  This is an eye-opening look at an important issue for readers concerned
  with the civil justice system.
also, "The Lawyer Myth: A Defense of the American Legal Profession"[2]

From the Booklist review:

  However disliked lawyers have become, they have played an essential role
  in the development of the American democracy, assert legal scholars
  Strickland and Read. Taking aim at media critics -- left and right -- who
  blame lawyers for a host of social ills, Strickland and Read debunk
  several popular myths about lawyers. They begin with the notion that
  there are too many lawyers and lawsuits, citing statistics to put things
  into perspective, and they point to the benefits that have come from
  lawsuits, including increased consumer protection from faulty products.
  But they concede the need for reform in a chapter that calls for major
  research into alternative legal mechanisms. Finally, Strickland and Read
  look toward the next generation of lawyers and outline the
  characteristics most essential for the practice of law: competency,
  responsiveness, and integrity. They emphasize that it’s not what lawyers
  bring to the law but what they give that makes a difference. This book
  is not likely to stop lawyer jokes, but it is an insightful look at a
  much-maligned profession.

[1] - http://www.amazon.com/Blocking-Courthouse-Door-Republican-Co...

[2] - http://www.amazon.com/The-Lawyer-Myth-American-Profession/dp...

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