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Don’t Forget to Swim Now and Then (raptitude.com)
4 points by razkarcy on July 5, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I believe there is a lot of truth in this. Since I had cancer some 15 years ago I've had periods with anxiety attacks from time to time. It can be quite debilitating. Going outside in my small garden, lie down and watch anything green moving in the wind and I feel both a sudden peace but also a huge urge to live somewhere rural, much closer to nature. I cannot really describe how it feels except like if there's a big part of me missing, a part that this green nature seem to be the only thing that can fill. And it's not just that I like nature and hence feel better in it, because consciously I don't really feel like going on trips in nature and I've alway hated walking around outside just for the sake of it. I'm rambling, likely doesn't make much sense if you haven't felt the same feeling of missing a piece but thought I'd add it anyways.

Very thoughtful; thank you for sharing. I can particularly relate to not deliberately seeking out time in nature, but finding a unique, irreplaceable tranquility when I find myself there.

Me and a friend often debate the relative merits/downsides of a technologically globalized world versus the more isolated, but closer-to-nature "good old days". They sent me this post today, which, though I don't necessarily agree with, I found measured and thought-provoking, and hope someone else might, too.

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