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I agree with you to a degree. I was a biz side guy when I first launched a start-up 2 years ago. What helped me find a tech co-founder was running the project as far as I could without one. Revenue, seed round, incubator, etc.

Something that I don't think biz side guys understand is that the idea isn't unique or special, and it will likely fail, as mine did. However, both sides need each other...and as I've read a hundred times on HN - there isn't a lot of love floating around for the business side / MBAs.

I don't find tech guys to be very open minded when approached with ideas. On the flip side, I think biz guys need to come to the table with A LOT more than an idea.

I recently got an email from a guy thinking about posting on HN looking for a Tech Co-Founder. In his speech, he said there "is a huge and underserved market waiting for their product." I asked him - why does your site only have 7 twitter followers, and no facebook page? That is a very commonplace conversation.

My solution for business side guys is full proof. Don't post on hacker news. Don't ask random nerds. Quit your job. Learn to code. Screw the snobby tech co-founders...be your own tech co-founder. Startups aren't something that you do on the side...it's your life.

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