With all due respect, I'm not sure there's a correlation between being familiar with <insert_your_startup_here> and being the kind of person said startup is looking for. It's your prerogative, of course, but that sort of filtering doesn't seem very optimal to me. Shouldn't you want to inform people of the awesome and important work you're doing?
Whoops, sorry about that! Totally fair criticism. I wasn't thinking that deeply about it, just quickly adding to the page. And though we do love people who are familiar with Etsy and are into the mission, it's certainly not a requirement.
For those who are unfamiliar (since I can no longer edit my post below): Etsy is the global handmade marketplace. Our mission is to empower people to change the way the global economy works. We see a world in which very-very small businesses have much-much more sway in shaping the economy, local living economies are thriving everywhere, and people value authorship and provenance as much as price and convenience. We are bringing heart to commerce and making the world more fair, more sustainable, and more fun. As I mentioned below, tons more info and positions at http://www.etsy.com/careers, as well as contact info in my profile for any questions you may have.