We are a small and geographically distributed team. Our backend is written in Python using Flask and we use Mongo and Redis for storage. People have thousands and thousands of photographs and we're already beginning to deal with interesting challenges in scaling, and we expect things to become more challenging and fun as we grow. We have viewer apps for Android and iOS and will be expanding upon that soon.
In addition I think we would be interested in people with experience in areas like Android development, Windows and Mac application development, machine learning, and image processing.
If you'd like to learn more, feel free to email me at joe@<my hn username>.org. Visit the careers page linked above to apply.
We are working to bring all of your digital photos, no matter where they are, back into the forefront of your life. Our manifesto is described in detail here: http://blog.woventheapp.com/2012/01/17/our-photo-manifesto/
We are a small and geographically distributed team. Our backend is written in Python using Flask and we use Mongo and Redis for storage. People have thousands and thousands of photographs and we're already beginning to deal with interesting challenges in scaling, and we expect things to become more challenging and fun as we grow. We have viewer apps for Android and iOS and will be expanding upon that soon.
An incomplete list of positions we are hiring for is here: http://blog.woventheapp.com/careers/ but to summarize them:
* Backend Engineer (DevOps)
* iPhone Engineers
* Test Engineers
* Project Managers
In addition I think we would be interested in people with experience in areas like Android development, Windows and Mac application development, machine learning, and image processing.
If you'd like to learn more, feel free to email me at joe@<my hn username>.org. Visit the careers page linked above to apply.