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Version Control Before Git with CVS (twobithistory.org)
3 points by alraj on June 28, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

> Git has become everyone’s go-to for version control.

i would argue that github, not git, has become many peoples' go-to. Git by itself is absolutely atrocious in terms of usability and its ability to lose data through seemingly innocent interactions. github makes it somewhat usable.

Remove github and its ilk from the equation and, i opine, many would look elsewhere for their SCM needs.

In 2014 i was on a commercial project when i opened a shell to make a checkin using git. The developer next to me saw what i was doing and hurried to shout, "no! Don't do that! The CLI client is not supported here! You have to use SourceTree[^1]!" i snarkily brought to his attention that the CLI client is the only one actually released by the git maintainers, and he exclaimed that we were not permitted to use it because too much can go wrong too easily. _That_ is a fantastic summary of git: too much too wrong too easily.

Full disclosure: i'm a long-time contributor to the Fossil SCM and thankfully never have to do more than clone with git.

^1 = SourceTree is a third-party git UI.

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