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Or directly from the commandline:

    pbcopy | python -c 'import sys; import json; print(json.load(sys.stdin))' | pbpaste

The Python json library is callable as a module:

    pbcopy | python -m json.tool | pbpaste
It has a load options:

    $ python -m json.tool --help
    usage: python -m json.tool [-h] [--sort-keys] [--no-ensure-ascii] [--json-lines] [--indent INDENT | --tab | --no-indent | --compact] [infile] [outfile]

    A simple command line interface for json module to validate and pretty-print JSON objects.

    positional arguments:
      infile             a JSON file to be validated or pretty-printed
      outfile            write the output of infile to outfile

      -h, --help         show this help message and exit
      --sort-keys        sort the output of dictionaries alphabetically by key
      --no-ensure-ascii  disable escaping of non-ASCII characters
      --json-lines       parse input using the JSON Lines format. Use with --no-indent or --compact to produce valid JSON Lines output.
      --indent INDENT    separate items with newlines and use this number of spaces for indentation
      --tab              separate items with newlines and use tabs for indentation
      --no-indent        separate items with spaces rather than newlines
      --compact          suppress all whitespace separation (most compact)

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