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So should my parents marriage be invalidated, seeing as my mother has undergone menopause, and thus, they can "never have children naturally" anymore? What about anorexia survivors? Malnutrition plays hell with uterine linings. Should we deny them the right to marriage? Is an eating disorder more or less of a 'a choice' than homosexuality in your eyes?

Alan Turing was gay, and never had children. He developed the code-breaking machines that allowed the Allies to win world war 2. Don't think for a second that Churchill being able to read Hitler's mail before Hitler read it didn't "tip the balance".

So it sounds like gay people can further the species without procreation. In fact, I'd argue that smart people (gay OR straight) are better off not having children until their career has 'peaked'. For the truly brilliant -- the Turings and Einsteins of the world -- a child is not going to be "their greatest accomplishment".

Seriously, a gay man basically did more for Western civilization than you or I or any Veteran still alive has. He was shamed into killing himself because of his sexual orientation. You'd really object to his happiness?

sigh. I'm going to stop here before I pull a Godwin.

You're starting to distort everything I said.

I don't care if gay people wish to have even more rights than me. Fine. Just don't mess about with a word that has been defined clearly for a long time.

They're NOT messing with a word that's been defined for clearly a long time. I don't think they'd define the pleas for equality before the law to be considered "messing" or "trouble making".

You DO realize that the definition of marriage has changed several times, right? Women are no longer property owned by their fathers until transferred into the possession of another Man. Being of different race no longer means you can't get married, either.

Furthermore, we re-define words all the time in the computer field. Think about how the definition of "fast" gets redefined every 18 months to to years. And how what was "fast" is now "slow".

Hands down you cannot string a rational argument against gay marriage because there isn't one. Its based on cultural fears, and intolerance. You're on the losing side of history, next to the Mississippi state police that physically assaulted my father and his friends for helping black people register to vote in early 60s. Next to KKK. And the confederates, and so on. Have fun explaining to your children or your children's children, who will grow up with gay marriage, how you were the bigot.

"Think about how the definition of "fast" gets redefined every 18 months to to years. And how what was "fast" is now "slow"."

What?? Do you know what definition means? The definition of fast has never changed. Absolute values you might be measuring have.

Hopefully my children won't grow up with gay "marriage", they'll grow up with "marriage", and "gay marriage/union/whatever they want to call it". That's an important distinction.

How? How is that an important distinction? Do you honestly think your right to be with someone of the opposite sex is somehow better than someone's desire to be with someone of the same sex, and if so, on what rational grounds?

Yes it is better in the context of creating new life.

So would you also deny that other words have meanings that have evolved and or changed over the years?

You keep using the word "gay" -- are you not aware that that word has changed its meaning?


Defined how?

* A nun is married to God (in some religions)

* A priest is married to God (in some religions)

* A man can be married to more than one woman (in some religions)

* A woman can be married to more than one man (maybe in darkest Africa, who's to say?)

* A man can be married to a woman

* A man can be married to a tree (in India, true)

* A man can be married to a man

* A woman can be married to a woman

Why are you so sensitive about words, anyway?

Gay was defined for a long time to mean happy.

Conservative used to mean saving and preserving and conserving, instead of spending, destroying, and squandering.

Faithful used to mean good, just, and moral, instead of vituperative, devious, dim-witted, and delusional.

Words get redefined all the time. Get over it.

You distort things enough yourself.

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