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As-tu essayé italki ? J'utilise ça pour apprendre le japonais.

(BTW awesome French, no weird sentence structure or obvious mistake apart from the missing accent on "est à 2h")

Non, je ne l’ai pas encore essayé. Je suppose que ça devrait être ma prochaine étape, mais je n’aime pas parler en visio.

Pour l’instant, je suis content de lire des livres et d’écouter des podcasts.

>"des podcasts".

Uh oh!

"Cessez d'écouter des “podcasts”, préférez l'audio à la demande" https://actualitte.com/article/7421/distribution/cessez-d-ec...

I don't speak French but I find the official aversion to anglicisms endearing and amusing.

As a french speaking Quebecer, we use "podcast" or "Balado" (short for baladodiffusion https://vitrinelinguistique.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca/fiche-gdt/fiche/... ).

Please do not think that French is only in France. We use words here that french people won't understand and they do the same. And the aversion to anglicisms varies a lot depending on the person (ie "footing", a non-existing word in english in the sense used, is used in France to say "jogging").

I think the official language authorities are fighting a losing battle on that one!

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