If these entities have a legitimate grievance with you such as passing off fake branded goods or a willful interference with a private exclusive licensing agreement for product resale (tortious interference with a third party contract, common law breach of design rights through passing off which is two torts and obviously the inevitable harm to the revenues expected from that agreement which was never open to you) they can just serve the DMCA notices on your upstream provider and enforce effective disconnections of your storefront.
This statutory and perfunctory hence effectively attorney free process would have relieved the beleaguered BIOS developer's concerns discussed here the other day and this is a and usually effective right of protection that's rare in its accessibility to the common man instead of the largest businesses.
This statutory and perfunctory hence effectively attorney free process would have relieved the beleaguered BIOS developer's concerns discussed here the other day and this is a and usually effective right of protection that's rare in its accessibility to the common man instead of the largest businesses.