> To me, there is more to having children than breeding. Having children is something that, generally, ages well. You see your children grow, become adults, start their careers, start their own families, etc. You find new satisfaction and joy as your children age and progress in life.
I hate to point out that it doesn't always- your children may hate you (difference in politics or lifestyle) or abandon you. Or they may be simply too resource constrained to do anything other than visit you on holidays. I guess the lifestyle in most Western cultures has normalized elder neglect and loneliness anyways. Though I recognize there are many examples to the contrary. On average most families relegate care of the elderly to homes or caretakers if independence is no longer an option. I guess I don't see the point of children if they don't actively care for you till death. Do I expect too much, or just reject the Western norm?
I hate to point out that it doesn't always- your children may hate you (difference in politics or lifestyle) or abandon you. Or they may be simply too resource constrained to do anything other than visit you on holidays. I guess the lifestyle in most Western cultures has normalized elder neglect and loneliness anyways. Though I recognize there are many examples to the contrary. On average most families relegate care of the elderly to homes or caretakers if independence is no longer an option. I guess I don't see the point of children if they don't actively care for you till death. Do I expect too much, or just reject the Western norm?