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I've been using PHP for decades and have found its isolated process model to be about the best around, certainly for any mainstream language. Also Symfony's Process component encapsulates most of the errata around process management in a cross-platform way:


Going from a working process implementation to async/threads with shared memory is pretty much always a mistake IMHO, especially if it's only done for performance reasons. Any speed gains will be eclipsed by endless whack-a-mole bug fixes, until the code devolves into something unrecognizable. Especially when there are other approaches similar to map-reduce and scatter-gather arrays where data is processed in a distributed fashion and then joined into a final representation through mechanisms like copy-on-write, which are supported by very few languages outside of PHP and the functional programming world.

The real problem here is the process spawning and context-switching overhead of all versions of Windows. I'd vote to scrap their process code in its entirety and write a new version based on atomic operations/lists/queues/buffers/rings with no locks and present an interface which emulates the previous poor behavior, then run it through something like a SAT solver to ensure that any errata that existing software depends on is still present. Then apps could opt to use the direct unix-style interface and skip the cruft, or refactor their code to use the new interface.

Apple did something similar to this when OS X was released, built on a mostly POSIX Darwin, NextSTEP, Mach and BSD Unix. I have no idea how many times Microsoft has rewritten their process model or if they've succeeded in getting performance on par with their competitors (unlikely).

Edit: I realized that the PHP philosophy may not make a lot of sense to people today. In the 90s, OS code was universally terrible, so for example the graphics libraries of Mac and Windows ran roughly 100 times slower than they should for various reasons, and developers wrote blitters to make it possible for games to run in real time. That was how I was introduced to programming. PHP encapsulated the lackluster OS calls in a cross-platform way, using existing keywords from popular languages to reduce the learning curve to maybe a day (unlike Perl/Ruby, which are weird in a way that can be fun but impractical to grok later). So it's best to think of PHP more like something like Unity, where the nonsense is abstracted and developers can get down to business. Even though it looks like Javascript with dollar signs on the variables. It's also more like the shell, where it tries to be as close as possible to bare-metal performance, even while restricted to the 100x interpreter slowdown of languages like Python. I find that PHP easily saturates the processor when doing things in a data-driven way by piping bytes around.

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