Personally, I have not been waiting for another Html driven platform. I don't like Html/Css as a UI framework, I just think it's highly overrated.
Things I like better: Qt/Qml, Wpf because they are much more precise (meaning, I don't have to use an opaque type like "DIV" as a placeholder for a list-view or something else that I really wanted).
I don't necessarily think HTML and CSS make for good languages to design UIs with, but it beats the hell out of learning a new language, stack, and tools. I can use mostly the same tools and workflow to create apps as I would for making sites. That's one reason I can't wait for Windows 8. The promise of HTML5 apps, even if they're using IE as the runtime, is friggin sweet.
Things I like better: Qt/Qml, Wpf because they are much more precise (meaning, I don't have to use an opaque type like "DIV" as a placeholder for a list-view or something else that I really wanted).