> to give you one example of many https://supabase.com/ This is how you can position yourself and be understood by the target user if the product is for them
Supabase headline reads: "Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative for building secure and performant Postgres backends with minimal configuration."
Still don't know what it is, other than I should go to the Firebase website to find out. There I read at the top: "Firebase is an app development platform that helps you build and grow apps and games users love. Backed by Google and trusted by millions of businesses around the world."
And right after there's a "Get Started" button.
Since supabase is just an open source alternative (according to their copy) of Firebase (but is it really? it talks about postgres backends not apps?), I'd rather go with the thought leader in this space. Supabase, if you're reading this: what's your elevator pitch? What makes you the leader for building apps or whatever it is you do? Why would I want to follow you?
This is how you can position yourself and be understood by the target user if the product is for them