Note how AAC has effectively the same efficiency as Opus? HE-AAC and HE-AACv2 are notably better in comparison, and are usable at lower bitrates than AAC.
In cases where "the opposite is very well established", they're talking about AAC-LC. Citations that show otherwise are welcome! In any case, HE-AAC's universality is really beaten only by MP3 (which it trounces).
Note how AAC has effectively the same efficiency as Opus? HE-AAC and HE-AACv2 are notably better in comparison, and are usable at lower bitrates than AAC.
In cases where "the opposite is very well established", they're talking about AAC-LC. Citations that show otherwise are welcome! In any case, HE-AAC's universality is really beaten only by MP3 (which it trounces).