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At least you made it clear you don’t read comments before responding to them.

Next time, don’t bother replying at all and save everyone the minute.


Congratulations on doing the bare minimum and still coming to a shit conclusion.

Did you also bother to read your own comments while you were at it? I would have assumed you did but you clearly have shown that comprehension is not in your wheelhouse.

> painting any assessment of Reddit to be a statement that Reddit has a single political opinion, which is a statement that nobody is making

I mean, that's literally what you did, but go off sis.

> I think we both know that Reddit has a certain political viewpoint, so let’s not pretend that we don’t.

Gotta love how you can't even keep your own argument straight, let alone comprehending a basic fact like "millions of people have their own thoughts and opinions on a site"

> that's literally what you did, but go off sis.


Your quote does not support the assertion.

An average does not mean that individual data points can have different values.

I’m not a woman. My username is my own name. I’m not sure what you were trying here.

You should probably read the HN guidelines.

You literally said the statement that you then claimed nobody ever made.

Almost word for word.

Is your cognitive dissonance that extreme? This gaslighting is idiotic when your own comments are right there to read.

Just stop. You’ve clearly proven you can’t even keep your own arguments straight, let alone properly respond to others’. There is no basis for discussion if you refuse to acknowledge the things you’ve clearly said.

Again, Reddit leans left of the general population.

Again, this doesn’t preclude there being a multitude of political affiliations on Reddit.

I’ve been very consistent on this and think you’ve done very poorly in response. It’s possible you’re so angry you’re not even reading what you’re quoting.

But ok.

Your entire point up til now has been that Reddit has had a singular opinion. You have referred to Reddit as a singular entity with a singular set of beliefs and thoughts. Multiple times.

> it’s Reddit that is out of touch.

> If it’s only Reddit that finds many people’s behaviour objectionable Occam’s Razor would determine that Reddit is the problem

Hell, even in this comment you continue to do it.

> Again, Reddit leans left of the general population.

Now suddenly Reddit is multiple people with multiple opinions?

> I’ve been very consistent on this

Consistent is the opposite of what you've been. But ok.

Yes, when stating the average of all political discourse on Reddit, one can save time by saying that this is Reddit’s politics. It is only you that is talking about some kind of hive mind.

Gotta love the continuous amount of gaslighting you keep on trying to pull off.

Do you actually believe the things you write? Like actually?

Yes of course. Do you genuinely think any evaluation of Reddit’s political axis is an assertion that everyone on the site is the same?

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