we are clearly seeing superdimensional hardware, vessel which are observable from our three dimensions, but obviously exist in at least one extra dimension.
Given how fast the can accelerate or instantly break, there could be two extra dimensions, being time a physical dimension from the point of view of a fifth dimension. Hence, FTL - faster than light - travel could exists, without breaking any law of physics valid in the three dimensional universe.
And if time is physical dimension and you are "standing" on the fifth dimension, travelling backward or forward in time, could be a matter of just "walking" some meters, then you just went back in time, or walk in the opposite direction and you travelled to the future. From the point of view of a hyphotetical fifth dimension and being time a physical dimension, "everything" would be happening at once. You could even go further, in this context a "closed loop" in time could be possible, because now what you change in the past, doesn't create a new timeline (as in the multi-verse theories), but just changing some stuff in one point, then a few meters away - in the future - things consequently get changed. "The future changing the past".
Also, if the UFOs are superdimensional objects it becames just logic the things can travel so fast underwater, because they are not interacting fully - probably - with the matter of the three dimensional space. There are other possibilities, the hyphotetitcal superdimensional UFOs probably can travel through solid matter as well, just as they do through air or water. Hence, some stories of UFOs using mountains as bases suddently make a bit of sense, even if you go to the mountain just to find rocks and apparently no bases.
If you can displace mass through a hyphotetical upper dimension above our standard three dimensional o even fourth dimensional (including time), space, suddenly FTL becames a lot more easier, the travel from one star to other star could be instantaneous, or even to 100 galaxies away from your starting point.
Also there you got another possible answer to the Fermi Paradox, the ETs are everywhere, it could hundreds of cities of ETs on the solar system right now, and the galaxy is blowing with life, but almost of them exist in upper dimensions beyond our three dimesional space, hence they remain mostly invisible to us.
The UFOs then could very be just us, humans from the future, travelling to the past to look for something, maybe stuying us like we study Neanderthals.
Given how fast the can accelerate or instantly break, there could be two extra dimensions, being time a physical dimension from the point of view of a fifth dimension. Hence, FTL - faster than light - travel could exists, without breaking any law of physics valid in the three dimensional universe.
And if time is physical dimension and you are "standing" on the fifth dimension, travelling backward or forward in time, could be a matter of just "walking" some meters, then you just went back in time, or walk in the opposite direction and you travelled to the future. From the point of view of a hyphotetical fifth dimension and being time a physical dimension, "everything" would be happening at once. You could even go further, in this context a "closed loop" in time could be possible, because now what you change in the past, doesn't create a new timeline (as in the multi-verse theories), but just changing some stuff in one point, then a few meters away - in the future - things consequently get changed. "The future changing the past".
Also, if the UFOs are superdimensional objects it becames just logic the things can travel so fast underwater, because they are not interacting fully - probably - with the matter of the three dimensional space. There are other possibilities, the hyphotetitcal superdimensional UFOs probably can travel through solid matter as well, just as they do through air or water. Hence, some stories of UFOs using mountains as bases suddently make a bit of sense, even if you go to the mountain just to find rocks and apparently no bases.
If you can displace mass through a hyphotetical upper dimension above our standard three dimensional o even fourth dimensional (including time), space, suddenly FTL becames a lot more easier, the travel from one star to other star could be instantaneous, or even to 100 galaxies away from your starting point.
Also there you got another possible answer to the Fermi Paradox, the ETs are everywhere, it could hundreds of cities of ETs on the solar system right now, and the galaxy is blowing with life, but almost of them exist in upper dimensions beyond our three dimesional space, hence they remain mostly invisible to us.
The UFOs then could very be just us, humans from the future, travelling to the past to look for something, maybe stuying us like we study Neanderthals.