To be successful, it is not enough for a language to be good. It might not even be necessary. What matters is if there is s significant niche where the language is a better fit than any alternative.
PHP show that a language only needs to get that one thing right.
Rust have found its niche. Graydons vision seem to be a more elegant language which would compromize on the points which actully make Rust succesful.
> What matters is if there is s significant niche where the language is a better fit than any alternative.
This is a wonderful comment, and puts into words something I've been thinking for a long time. The best general-purpose languages always seem to start out with a strong niche, then grow from there.
PHP show that a language only needs to get that one thing right.
Rust have found its niche. Graydons vision seem to be a more elegant language which would compromize on the points which actully make Rust succesful.