As someone who likes OCaml, but hasn’t touched OCaml in ~5 years, that’s a very hard example to read. I can tell it’s making a network request, but I have no clue:
- what the type of res is (is it a string? A buffer? Async string? Something else?)
- how this code does not block: what is happening in parallel? At which point will it block?
I would like to be excited about OCaml’s algebraic effects, but right now I don’t really get it.
- It's some type from which you can read a response body. In OCaml we often work in terms of abstract types i.e. the operations which can be done on types. If you want to see the exact name of the type you can always look up the signature of `Client.get`: (nowadays LSP support in any good editor will show the type on hover)
- It's implementing non-blocking I/O using effect handlers. The complexity is not exposed to the library user, which is actually the whole point. If you want to dive into the concurrency library (Eio) and study how it works, that's very doable, just like any concurrency library in any other language.
There's really not that much to get–OCaml will do async I/O without having to colour functions, just like Go, Erlang/Elixir, and soon Java. It's not something sexy like monads that excite people with mysterious FP concepts, it's just a lot of hard work that went into simplifying how developers code at scale.
Yawar’s explained it all, but I’ll share tidbits of my own.
When reading ocaml on _text_ like from GitHub, I personally accept that I won’t need to know the type and underlying data structures just yet unless I read and have open the .mli file.
I’m excited first and foremost because we can have async code feel synchronous like Go.
How does the code run? IO runtime is defined in userland, like Rust’s Tokio. That’s the “” part. Underneath, eio spins up and manages processes in a non blocking manner, even scheduling work.
Since effects are essentially resumable exceptions, this particular http request throws an effect to the runtime. The logic and this particular process pauses (okay I may be wrong here). Logic flow now continues somewhere in our runtime level (the effect handler), where all the async IO work happens. The runtime resumes the child process and returns the http result back to the child via a “delimited continuation”.
- what the type of res is (is it a string? A buffer? Async string? Something else?)
- how this code does not block: what is happening in parallel? At which point will it block?
I would like to be excited about OCaml’s algebraic effects, but right now I don’t really get it.