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Netcat is really a cleaner solution from this perspective.

Netcat, combined with the openssl utility, can do some amazing things with moving files over SMTP. I can post my favorite hand-rolled script if there is interest. I boiled it out of mpack down to the shell.

> Netcat, combined with the openssl utility

At that point, wouldn't it be easier to just use socat?

Socat doesn't support STARTTLS. If you want to debug SMTP submission "openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect server:587" is awesome. Just take care not to use upper case "R" or "Q". Man, why did they implement rekeying and quit in such a bothersome way. Just use recipient and quit instead of RECIPIENT and QUIT.

Since OpenSSL 1.1.0, you can turn it off with -nocommands:


See my warning regarding s_client and security: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36179850#36186559

Please, post it or post an URL to the script.

Here is the script. This is like FTP/scp to an inbox. Remove the two leading spaces that HN needs in quoting code blocks.

This uses OpenSSL to a) send a base64-encoded MD5 hash of each file in the headers, then b) base64-encode the file itself. There is also an OpenSSL "smime" applet, but I really don't know what it does.

The netcat is going to send this over cleartext; use OpenSSL s_client (or maybe "nc -ssl" if your netcat supports it) if cleartext is a problem.

This is written in dash, so it should run in most POSIX-compliant shells. Note that local variables are not POSIX-compliant; for a true POSIX shell, change the shell function to "mimer () ( ...body ...)" to force a subshell.

Shellcheck doesn't like printf formats done like this, but you can't please everybody.

This also works in Windows with ports of OpenSSL and busybox, btw.

  $ cat mimer

  mimer () {

    local f \
      SMTP='smtp.yourco.com' \
      BOUND="$(openssl rand -base64 21 | sed 's@[/+=]@_@g')" \
      SFORMAT='helo %s
  mail from:%s
  rcpt to:%s
  Mime-Version: 1.0
  Subject: %s
  Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="%s"

  This is a MIME encoded message.

  ' \
  Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="%s"
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
  Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="%s"
  Content-MD5: %s


      printf "$SFORMAT" "$HOSTNAME" "$2" "$1" "$3" "$BOUND"
      shift 3

      while [ -n "$1" ]
      do f=${1##*/}

         printf "$MFORMAT" "--$BOUND" "$f" "$f" \
           "$(openssl dgst -md5 -binary < "$1" | openssl base64)"

  #      base64 < "$1"
         openssl base64 -in "$1"



      printf '%s--\n.\nquit\n' "--$BOUND"

    } | sed -e 's/$/\r/' | nc "$SMTP" 25

  [ -z "$4" ] && { echo mimer to from subject file1 '[file2]' ...; exit; }

  mimer "$@"

Nice, thanks for sharing. Not directly related, but since you mentioned s_client, please see my warning regarding its security: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36179850#36186559

Over SMTP? I'm interested!

I hope that you like it!

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