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No the board is just lazy and has no real plan for if the CEO keels over.

Imagine if how long it takes the board to find a replacement CEO was how long it took to restart a failed server ... They just don't have contingency plans and so they shovel money at the CEO to ensure that the fact that they don't have a contingency isn't a problem.

If the CEO changes often the media will quickly portray that as the biggest problem - "The company that cannot find a CEO that will stick" and the shareholder value will be destroyed.

I completely agree that the whole thing is influenced heavily by how its going to "look" - perception.

Sure constantly changing your CEO is not good.

But being in a Disney situation where your CEO (Iger) wanted out and choose a poor replacement for himself. (Note: Iger choose a poor replacement not the board, they're useless). And now Disney stock is at the same value in 2023 as they were in 2015.

If the Disney board actually had a plan on who a replacement CEO should be they wouldn't be in this problem.

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