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Analog Discovery 3: Oscilloscope, Waveform Gen, Logic Analyzer and Power Supply (digilent.com)
31 points by teleforce on May 31, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

One super underrated feature is the analog discovery is the network vector analyser. I know what you’re thinking, but it only has xyz mhz bandwidth? Yeah, but have you ever done stability analysis of a DCDC? You only need 100khz of bandwidth, and I sure don’t know want to risk a $100k instrument on an experiment. For this application, the analog discovery is perfect. I’m drooling over this upgrade.

I love my AD2, way more than my Saleae, but I think it's time to put some effort into improving Waveforms on the digital side.

UART sniffing is incredibly primitive and could really stand to have some more features. Even the ancient HP4957 could separate Tx and Rx visually, Waveforms still can't do that. And maybe timestamping? Would that be nice? Yes.

It's a shame it doesn't work with Sigrok because you miss out on all the nice decoders that brings you.

Maybe should be called an oscillometer not an oscilloscope, as there's no screen (scope).

I guess one could argue it's "bring your own screen" rather than "no screen".

Also "scope" (ancient Greek σκοπέω) has a pretty broad meaning of "to look, look at, behold; examine, inspect"[1] (gyroscope, stethoscope, horoscope etc).

[1] https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%CF%83%CE%BA%CE%BF%CF%80%CE%A...

I got a discounted Analog Discovery 2 to play with and it was quite nice with only minor UI clunkiness. If they can keep the price around $200 I think it would be a good all-in-one starter electronics lab for a lot of hobbyists.

Man, I wish they had this back when I had money.

Alas, I spent it all on oscilloscopes, function generators, and power supplies!

I was recommended the v2 for hobbyist use, but now I'm glad I waited!

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