Ehh, local being a keyword (instead of local default, global only if required) was a significantly bigger gaff. The other would be no nulls in tables. 0/1 based indexing is familiarity only.
Requiring a keyword to declare a variable is a good thing. Otherwise, it'd be easily to accidentally declare new variables when you meant to assign to an existing one. Since global is the default, starting a program with something like this effectively keeps that from happening:
local gindex = {}
setmetatable(_G, {__index = function(t,k)
local v = gindex[k]
if v == nil then
error("Bad read of global variable " .. tostring(k), 2)
return v
end, __newindex = function(t,k,v)
error("Bad write of global variable " .. tostring(k), 2)
for k,v in pairs(_G) do
gindex[k] = v
rawset(_G, k, nil)