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I understand how frustrating it is.

I had a food intolerance test. I replaced every item in my kitchen (new coffee maker [after ditching coffee for a while], new pots and pans, new cooking utensils). I did multiple elimination diets. I went to doctors (one doctor, when I said I had no issues in Europe and lots of issues immediately upon returning responded, with no mocking at all, I should consider moving to Europe) most of whom simply told me to go Whole 30 or Mediterranean diet (been there, done that).

I hoped a lot of it would subside when I eliminated the relationship in my life, too (alas, maybe.. not sure).

When I did the elimination diet the doctors said it could be a combination of things, it could be things that will take longer than a cycle of elimination to identify, etc.

They didn't know.

I guess there's always: therapy.

Wish I had a better answer, and not having answers is stressful enough. I did a lot of "letting go" and "eating freely" hoping a more carefree attitude would help. It always seemed like something else though.

My doctor friend says if he simply instructed all his patients to eliminate gluten from their diets he would still succeed with 80%+ of his patients having problems...

I'm quite a bit better, but given that my parents are European immigrants, I do think.. ultimately.. I'm better off back there in their food system.

the fact that for you, nothing works here and everything works in europe, points to a broad environmental factor - water, mold, air.

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