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IMO, it’s mostly hot air because it’s confusing causes and effects and is usually blaming someone for something without taking into account the persons job/structural reasons why the decision needed to be made.

‘Boo, CEO laid off 2500 people, that’s terrible’ is pretty useless without looking at the companies TAM, market penetration, margins, etc. because laying off 2500 people may literally be less layoffs than they might need to be doing based on those factors. A company is, generally, a machine for making money as efficiently as possible, and ignoring all those factors before deciding if a decision was valid or not means someone is just complaining/blowing hot air. No one is being hired (almost anywhere I can think of) that could have a reasonable belief of keeping a job that isn’t needed, or doesn’t make sense to the company.

Which is valid. Just not necessarily useful for anyone.

If someone joins a fishing crew and then when the seasonal catch is bad complains that the captain is terrible because they got laid off/kicked off, all they’re doing is venting. Not providing anything anyone should take seriously, IMO.

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