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How your cat is making you crazy (theatlantic.com)
12 points by selenamarie on Feb 18, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Does it bother anyone else that this article is dated to not come out for another 12 days? Which is especially odd since I'm positive I saw this article linked to last week on another site (which seems to be when the oldest comment was).

That said, I've seen articles on this kind of stuff before. We know that microbes and fungi can control the behavior or much simpler organisms (such as ants). And I guess we know some things effect human behavior (such as rabies causing hydrophobia).

It's just such an odd notion that someone I know may behave the way they due to some germ or parasite they picked up years ago.

Which is especially odd since I'm positive I saw this article linked to last week on another site (which seems to be when the oldest comment was).

It was actually posted here too. See my other comment.

Dupe. Previous discussion just 8 days ago: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3573694

Ah, sorry about that.

The end of that article is very philosophical. It raises the Cartesian question of reality and free will:

Then it hits me. I may have dodged T. gondii, but given our knack for fooling ourselves—plus all those parasites out there that may also be playing tricks on our minds—can anyone really know who’s running the show?

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