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How Does a TLS Handshake Work? (venafi.com)
32 points by mooreds on May 16, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

See also: The Illustrated TLS Connection – Every byte explained and reproduced https://tls13.xargs.org/

I love this guy's work. Since his front page sells itself short, see also:





"by facilitating facilitates" was it just me or does this article reads really badly when it comes to grammar? Feels more like a tech snippet than tech article. It looks like bunch of details thrown together to just generate content.

I wrote a small TLS package in Go, uses only standard library. Also allows to mimic devices in order to bypass fingerprinting


Isn’t this done by many entities at this point?

why do i feel like the whole Certificate thing is a gaping hole that has gone mostly ignored ? am i just paranoid?

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