Yup, that’s sums up the incentive for publishing so many papers and get citations.
Some professor put it in a nice way - the current system motivates us to think of research in terms of LPUs - least publishing units. No matter how established your lab is, you’d try to publish as soon as possible, leading to a lot of papers with not a lot of contribution. If tenure committees and all other systems that gauge academicians require people to say present their only top 3 or 5 seminal papers, then people would try to put their best work out there without the constant pressure of always publishing - win win for everyone. Unfortunately, the ones with the power to make these changes are the ones gaining the most in the current system so it’s unlikely to happen.
Some professor put it in a nice way - the current system motivates us to think of research in terms of LPUs - least publishing units. No matter how established your lab is, you’d try to publish as soon as possible, leading to a lot of papers with not a lot of contribution. If tenure committees and all other systems that gauge academicians require people to say present their only top 3 or 5 seminal papers, then people would try to put their best work out there without the constant pressure of always publishing - win win for everyone. Unfortunately, the ones with the power to make these changes are the ones gaining the most in the current system so it’s unlikely to happen.