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A RP2040 Powered MIDI-Controlled Synth in CircuitPython (gist.github.com)
81 points by _Microft on May 12, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

There is a great sounding demo at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-PbbWWDE6k

I'm absolutely floored that that's coming out of a QtPy. This model is $10 USD!

I love desktop and mobile software, but the embedded world gets me so excited. Like, as excited as I'd get as a kid. I know I could do something very similar with python on my MacBook, or use existing tools on an iPad I already have, but something about doing awesome stuff with such limited and cheap tools gets me so pumped about it.

> This model is $10 USD!

The Teensy is a bit more expensive but can do even more, but yeah, it's amazing what we can build with a few bucks worth of electronics these days.





> I'm absolutely floored that that's coming out of a QtPy

Well a QtPy and a I2S DAC.

This is spectacular, and is now on my to-do list.

There's a huge range of amazing projects like this out there. One of my favourite youtubers is Floyd Steinberg, who regularly does deep dives into h/w builds (rpi, teensy, picoadk, etc). Always inspiring, if a mildly depressing reminder there's only so many hours.


Have you heard about "PicoTouch" already? It's a MIDI keyboard with touch buttons, Raspi Pico powered, by the same creator as of this submission:


Also "PicoStepSeq" with the following description from its Github page:

"PicoStepSeq is an 8-step MIDI sequencer using a Raspberry Pi Pico, an I2C SSD1306 OLED display, a rotary encoder. and 8 "Step Switches". It outputs via USB MIDI and Serial MIDI via TRS-A 3.5mm.":


I had not, so much thanks for the pointers!

Floyd Steinberg? Of Floyd-Steinberg dithering fame?

I think that Floyd-Steinberg was/were two people. This is one person. So, probably not. : )

It was indeed! I was afraid the joke would be too obscure :(

This is very cool! I was playing the with RP2040 and since I had a digital piano and a logic analyzer in front of me I decided to take a look at the midi signals.

It took about 10 mins to reverse engineer them, make the RP2040 listen to them and make a little buzzer buzz the appropriate frequency using the signal from MIDI. (TLDR, MIDI is just a simple uart and transmits a key press/depress, what key and what velocity)

Really cool that you took this to an actual proper synth!

> Really cool that you took this to an actual proper synth!

You're flattering me - but this is not a Show HN. Creator of this is "todbot" and you can find his blog at https://todbot.com/blog/

Cool, thanks for posting this!

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