Are you referring to the couple of months in 2020?
Because we didn't really have any sort of lock down in the UK, the Tories just said the police would need to informally enforce a non-rule. The met responded that they were not going to enforce anything that wasn't an actual rule.
There were words said and a couple of high profile incidents which shows how little any sort of lockdown happened. I know I drove around the country still and no one ever asked why, and all my neighbours had garden parties with social gathers still happening.
You broke the law and got away with it. That doesn't mean millions of people weren't having a thoroughly miserable time of it observing the law, and for a lot longer than "a couple of months in 2020".
There was no law preventing people travelling or doing anything.
Boris said "it would be best if you don't" and then held parties. He got away with it because he didn't break any laws.
I had to travel for work, so I didn't even break guidance as in their advice, people who had to travel still could. No one ever checked which is my point.
No, it was law. Immoral law which deserved to be broken, but that is no consolation to the millions who suffered greatly by going along with it.
To hear one of the most shameful periods in our legal history being brushed off as couple of months of half hearted barely observed lockdown is pretty disturbing.