The human players would likely be worried about that as well, potentially hobbling them with one considerable psychological disadvantage. Is there any way to mitigate that? If not, such contests may always tip in the robots favour for such sports.
Humans can be hard to humans too and then they get a yellow/red card. Same for robots in RoboCup already. A teams wanting to really go up against humans will have to be safe.
Come on, there's so many things happening in football that are in between no contact and yellow/red card worthy. Defenders sliding straight into the ball and tackling the attacker because of the momentum, gentle pushes between players during corners for better positioning, two players contesting the ball as it's descending from high up, etc, etc. No way anyone's doing any of that against something that has a similar build to yours, but weights much more and is all metal.
Something like volleyball or tennis which is explicitly a contactless sport? Sure, provided that robots use similar strength to push the ball, otherwise a lot of fingers will be broken. Football is never happening.
In that penalty example you've shared nothing happens and then the ball is in the goal. They're supposed to be much more physchological. Both players are supposed to pay close attention to body movement to "predict" the side and the goalkeeper is supposed to see the shooter approaching the ball to know when to react.
They could be soft by then. They should also have a comparable weight because you don't want to be on the ground under by a soft 200 kg man or robot or whatever.
However they'll win easily if they are made to be stronger and / or faster.
Strength: hard for humans to push them around and to steal the ball from and easy for them to do it to humans.
Fast: they'll just throw the ball past the defenders and run, like boys vs children. No need to use any soccer skill.