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Acta protests: Thousands take to streets across Europe (bbc.co.uk)
152 points by Tim-Boss on Feb 11, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

A quick shot from the protest that took place in Bucharest: http://imgur.com/Eu5zX , at -10 degrees Celsius and under a rather unpleasant snowing. Around 2,000 people took part. I couldn't resist there for more than one hour, but at least I took part :)

It's funny how SOPA, ACTA, and Bill-C11 are so coordinated. It's almost like someone in the industry is pulling a lot of strings in the government.

Around 200 protesters gathered in central London outside the offices of several major rights holders.

mhhh.. in munich were around 16000 protesters.. why only 200 in london!?

Berlin: 6000-10000


As a reasonably tuned in Brit, i had no idea these protests were happening until reading about it after the fact. I think sopa-fatigue probably set in more with the relevant section english speaking population.

only found out about the saturday march to be held in dublin late on friday evening. currently on crutches so unable to attend unfortunately. fairly unorganised as far as i could tell from people who were there.

edit: if i were to speculate i would say that most of geeks and nerds i know who care about these things don't use facebook and the dublin march seems to have been organised on facebook. i only found out when one person who linked their twitter and facebook accounts crossposted to twitter.

I was one of the 16000 protesters in Munich. The message came to me via the evening TV news about germany delayed signing ACTA. It was impressive to see how many people care about that topic. 200 attendants in London sounds like no protest at all.

An youtube video from the protests in Sofia, Bulgaria: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCualP99mNs . According to the organizers there were about 4000 people there.

A youtube video of the protest in Cluj Napoca, http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v... . Cluj Napoca is a city in Romania, not a big one but 2000+ protested against ACTA.

Protests in Estonia: 1500 in Tallinn and 700 in Tartu. http://www.360pano.eu/stop-acta/#.TzaolywVaW0.twitter

I'm convinced the internet we know today is very quickly going to get fragmented into distinct regions (china-style). This worldwide plan "known by many names" (SOPA/PIPA/ACTA) has obviously already been decided during the last G8 summit. These clampdowns of the internet are going through, one way or another. The G8 governments are scared to death of the Internet. They've been watching the Arab spring movement in absolute horror at how quickly citizens can organize over a free internet and overthrow their government, which is obviously quite threatening if you're in a position of power, and you're pilfering your citizens wealth with draconian economic actions.


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