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I find the former much more self-explanatory than the latter but, for instance, can't ForEach-Object be written as for?

I'm still a PowerShell novice, but I believe ForEach-Object and ForEach are subtly different, and PowerShell has classic For(Init; Condition; Increment) loops also but it's even more different than those two.

ForEach-Object and ForEach are the same thing.

Get-Help ForEach-Object


ALIASES foreach %

I have seen that, and that's partially why it seemed so confusing to me but at least one difference is

  The ForEach-Object cmdlet works much like the Foreach statement, except that you can't pipe input to a Foreach statement. For more information about the Foreach statement, see about_Foreach.

And another appears to be performance

  PS /home/me> $time = (Measure-Command {
  >>     1..1E4 | ForEach-Object {
  >>         $_
  >>     }
  >> }).TotalMilliseconds
  PS /home/me>  [pscustomobject]@{
  >>     Type = 'ForEach-Object'
  >>     Time_ms = $Time
  >>  }
  Type           Time_ms
  ----           -------
  ForEach-Object 144.558

  PS /home/me> $Time = (Measure-Command {
  >>     ForEach ($i in (1..1E4)) {
  >>         $i
  >>     }
  >> }).TotalMilliseconds
  PS /home/me>   [pscustomobject]@{
  >>     Type = 'ForEach_Statement'
  >>     Time_ms = $Time
  >>  }
  Type              Time_ms
  ----              -------
  ForEach_Statement  17.621

Hey TIL, though, I knew there was a difference (the foreach statement is meant to be typed all lower-cased, since it is not a cmdlet but really a shell built-in but PowerShell is case-insensitive). Get-Help gets you information on cmdlets, not shell built-ins.

Though I was referring to the cmdlet, you're absolutely correct.

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