I generally need fewer searches than with other search engines, between their general features, and customized ranking, they are just that much better.
That said, I’m also in the early adopter plan ($10 for 1000 searches) which is enough for me (unlike the non-early one, as I sometimes go over 700 searches).
Search has a cost. You can either pay for your searches and own your results or have someone else, a complete stranger, pay for your searches and have the results be in their best interest.
I think it was Mark Twain who said about Web 2.0, "In every transaction where money changes hands there is a buyer, a seller, and a product. If you are not the buyer or the seller, then you are the product."
The results I get with Kagi for researching technical topics are significantly better than I get from Google, so I can justify it as a professional expense.
Does anyone actually pay that? It looks like something a real search engine would post on April 1st.