I believe most people here use WhatsApp and they've gotten comfortable enough with the idea of trusting Facebook (even when nobody ever should if they respect themselves as a user).
This is proven by the fact that posts about WhatsApp, a closed source app from Facebook where you can never even confirm any of their security claims, gets a lot of praise compared to an open source app with a strong privacy and no-data-selling track record. Even here in the comments you can see people claiming about WhatsApp's E2EE when in reality they cannot prove it.
Telegram on the other hand has been audited multiple times by independent researchers and yet somehow, that's not enough. Apparently, symmetric encryption is considered plain-text these days and some closed source unverified implementation of E2EE as private and secure.
This is proven by the fact that posts about WhatsApp, a closed source app from Facebook where you can never even confirm any of their security claims, gets a lot of praise compared to an open source app with a strong privacy and no-data-selling track record. Even here in the comments you can see people claiming about WhatsApp's E2EE when in reality they cannot prove it.
Telegram on the other hand has been audited multiple times by independent researchers and yet somehow, that's not enough. Apparently, symmetric encryption is considered plain-text these days and some closed source unverified implementation of E2EE as private and secure.
The world is a weird place.