1) it just attacks flickr without really giving any reason. Flickr is a sinking ship. Great. Why? Why do we have any reason to believe Snapjoy is going to outlast Flickr?
2) Using the image of a sinking cruise ship weeks after a cruise ship wreck killed at least 17 people. I'm not easily offended, and this didn't personally offend me, but it's pretty much the first thing I thought of when I saw a drawing of a sinking cruise ship. Why run the risk?
> Flickr is a sinking ship. Great. Why? Why do we have any reason to believe Snapjoy is going to outlast Flickr?
For the regex-impaired, swap Flickr with delicious and Snapjoy with pinboard.
When I found out that del.icio.us was falling apart, the discovery of pinboard was a remarkable discovery! The founder posted a link to a migration tool that allowed me painlessly keep thousands of my old bookmarks. Just by itself that was reason enough for me to support them.
I can't speak to the long term viability of pinboard or SnapJoy, but that's true of a lot of web services, frankly. A few years ago you would've seemed crazy for calling Flickr a "sinking ship."
1) it just attacks flickr without really giving any reason. Flickr is a sinking ship. Great. Why? Why do we have any reason to believe Snapjoy is going to outlast Flickr?
2) Using the image of a sinking cruise ship weeks after a cruise ship wreck killed at least 17 people. I'm not easily offended, and this didn't personally offend me, but it's pretty much the first thing I thought of when I saw a drawing of a sinking cruise ship. Why run the risk?