I was aware of the floor function (and the corresponding ceiling function) since I’m a software engineer. But I wasn’t aware that you could graph it. It never came up in high school or college math. And I never thought about it. Of course, it makes sense now that I’ve seen it.
No. I think the term “function” is overloaded here.
My point was that I viewed it solely as a _programming_ function and not a _mathematical_ function (even though it exists in math libraries), hence my last sentence “Of course, it makes sense now that I’ve seen it.”
Out of all the functions in math libraries that I’ve used, floor/ceiling are the only ones where I had this idea for some reason. It was obvious to me that Math.sin(x) and Math.abs(x) can be graphed. I’ve seen those graphs over and over again. But whenever I used the floor or ceiling functions, I just thought in terms of rounding up or down with a predetermined rule to finish whatever piece of code I was working on.
But as others have pointed out, I have actually worked with the floor function as a mathematical function in several math classes. I have seen the graphs. They just weren’t called floor or ceiling functions.
I just never made the connection that they were the same and I don’t recall any computer science professor or TA “bridging the gap” to what was learned in the math classes.