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What a weird coincidence. I thought at first this would be about the Guild Wars game, but turns out they both have something to do with monks and 55:


Ahh nostalgia. I thought so too. This was such a fun build. I miss GW1 a lot, GW2 missed the mark, and is no true successor.

Depends on what you're after. In terms of mechanics it's a completely different game, but lore wise a phenomenal amount is tied in to GW1. It's almost fan service: the game.

Man, I miss GW1. That skill/class system was amazing and still goes unmatched in its flexibility and depth today.

I want to create a spiritual successor to this but I'm only a dev, and not an artist. It's really killing me. I want to make a game like this before I die, but it's looking unlikely.

The servers are still running and it has had some QoL and even added some new Elite Skills and weapons.

Yeah, really the only word out of place in the headline was "Aztec". All the rest could have applied to GW.

Fun fact: In the early days (I think the first 6 months or so) of GW there were some item attribute modifiers that I think allowed for going as low as 5 hp, making the character basically invincible, as all damage was rounded down.

Wow, another 55 monk enjoyer. I used to farm hydras outside of the Crystal Desert with this.

There were dozens of us, dozens!

farming ectoplasm lfg

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