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Use the drugs that make you violent or so in need that they need to rob to get their next fix? Or the ones that make you think a lot and eat lots of tacos?

Nah it’s more of a “it’s easy to find a stick if you want to beat a dog” situation - drugs don’t make you do much of anything, aside from provide an excuse to do the thing you were too scared to do while sober. Drugs are the excuse, not the reason.

I’m not a violent guy, and I’ve never had a drug encourage me to act violently. Yes, even ‘those’ drugs.

I am however a lazy guy, and I’ve often had drugs encourage me to indulge my laziness.

Drugs can and do easily exacerbate pre-existing conditions. Especially mental health problems which would otherwise be controlled without intervention.

Many “crimes of passion” have had inebriation as a root cause of the lashing out.

Good to remember that alcohol is a mood-altering drug. However, its popularity is not limited to tech bros.

I think a lot and eat lots of tacos with zero illicit drug use. I’m pretty sure that makes me an overachiever

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