> I don't even want to spend 45 mins a month fiddling with config. I really don't understand Emacs people.
The problem is in the terminology: Config
Replace the word with programming and it will all make sense. People who write Javascript code to build custom tools for their own use are doing the exact same thing as Emacs users tweaking their config.
These days when I have time I'm writing elisp to make it easier for me to write math notes. One org roam node per concept/definition/proof. However, I'm building a graph: If a definition of a math object involves prior knowledge, I want to link to those nodes. The default org roam interface makes this a pain, so I want an interface that prompts me for the title, and lets me select dependencies one by one. It then inserts the node, with links to all those dependencies.
The problem is in the terminology: Config
Replace the word with programming and it will all make sense. People who write Javascript code to build custom tools for their own use are doing the exact same thing as Emacs users tweaking their config.
These days when I have time I'm writing elisp to make it easier for me to write math notes. One org roam node per concept/definition/proof. However, I'm building a graph: If a definition of a math object involves prior knowledge, I want to link to those nodes. The default org roam interface makes this a pain, so I want an interface that prompts me for the title, and lets me select dependencies one by one. It then inserts the node, with links to all those dependencies.
Where does all this code go?
In my config.