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Are you referring to the headshot of Napolean Chagnon? He is not the author - he is the anthropologist the article talks about.

why did you flag my comment? you realize flagging is for breaking the rules, right?

That's not the author of the post. That's a scientist the the post is about.

youre right. change what i said to being about that scientist instead of the article author. unless the author has a head-shot stashed away somewhere.

Is this a joke? His photo seems to be of a tomato plant

Whether he's a tomato plant or not, watch the way he starts out by retelling how the guy who studied the Yanomami had been accused of serious dishonesty, but it has now been conclusively proven that it's the guy who accused him who was the fraud. Right away, he's expected to be taken as an expert, and he knows he's talking to non-experts, but he's telling us, don't listen to those people, listen to me.

And then he goes on with the sort of grand narrative that even I know - though I'm not an anthropologist - that most of them don't want to make, and are deeply sceptical about (also when made by people from the other political side, like Graeber)

For all I know he's even right about his claims. But if you believe them just from coming across his article first (as opposed to those who would no doubt try just as hard to poison the well against him), then what's the point?

Either mistook the photo of Napoleon Chagnon as the author or has a very dry sense of humor. Too bad it wasn't the latter.

its too bad youre an underpaid teacher. isnt it fun to take cheap shots at people who dont deserve it?

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