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I'm not inclined to disagree with you that the situation in the US is far from ideal in a lot of regards, but my personal experience (started a company [tanked] at 19, just closed accounts with my state and did tax paperwork, no repercussions, about to try again) tells me that regulations here are only somewhat of a burden, and the really bad ones are seen across the world soon enough to prevent us being disadvantaged. US copyright and patent law, SOPA, etc. could be disasterous for us--but via things like ACTA and the like, you can bet your ass we'll drag you down with us. :)

As for the funding and language--proclaiming that you too use US venture capital and the English language really is more a testament to American soft power than anything else.

proclaiming that you too use US venture capital and the English language really is more a testament to American soft power than anything else.

No, it's not.

Regarding VC, it means that there is more money there now, that's true. But the fact that VCs are coming to Europe can be seen also as you losing that power you claim to have.

Same for language. I cannot deny that English spread mainly because it's the language of tech and the internet and that comes more from the USA (but remember that English as a language comes from England, Europe).

But language is just a tool to communicate. European countries are adopting it, but that does not mean they are adopting it to talk to you, or at least not only. English is becoming more and more a language to communicate across Europe. I am form Italy and have been living in the Netherlands for almost two years, without having to learn Dutch.

It also makes it much easier for people that want to leave the US, since they know they can come here and be able to speak to everybody.

My point was not to deny that there might be an imbalance toward the US for some things, but nothing is over and I won't be like this forever. China has been the most powerful empire on earth for millennia. It lost its power, but it might regain it in the future.

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