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Ask YC: week by week planning on new company
4 points by socmoth on Nov 5, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
(dear lazyweb)

this guy wrote this amazing description of week by week what he did for three months _before_ starting to program or make the product.

example week 1. call 10 potential customers a day, ask questions, listen!

week 2. call 10 investors, ask about market, potential downfalls behind ideas.

i can't remember any googlable details from his story, who he was, or what site it was published.


Are you referring to Balsamiq? http://searchyc.com/balsamiq

Thanks Dave, but I don't think he's thinking about me...I'll be checking back to see who it is though, it sounds interesting!

too bad. the guy spent three months just thinking about his startup. each week had a point, with specific things like talking to customers, talking to investors. finding out about competitors, etc. i really liked it, but forgot to save it.

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