What I’m saying is that perhaps the “cranky” eater doesn’t even know their body’s voice. Or is angry by simply hearing it.
Another way of putting it: you say you have tried but are you even sure that others have tried? People will say they have experienced but in reality have not.
Yes, it took me a long time to realize that pain, and pangs, and feelings aren't minor inconveniences that I must live with, but my body telling me something was wrong or needed adjustment. I've found that fasting helps us stop ignoring what the body is telling us.
Exactly right. I can go 24 hours without eating with no ill effects, and while I am hungry, I'm not ravenous, and I can certainly keep going just fine. I have a neighbor and friend who can't get through a morning of moderate labor without a snack - not because he can't stand the hunger, but because he simply runs out of energy. He is genuinely ravenous after a 12 hour fast.
I can go an entire day without eating to little ill effect. I knows people who must eat three times a day and if they miss one meal get super cranky.
It’s not dismissing it to point out data vs datum or that people’s bodies vary wildly.