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"A cop should risk his life to effect an arrest, even if that act will be immediately undermined by the prosecutor and will have no measurable difference on society."

Are you saying they shouldn't value their own lives, but instead behave as instruction-following robots.

Cops aren’t really risking their lives. Statistically they’re more likely to die of Covid than they are of trying to arrest someone. They have armor in their uniforms, carry multiple manners of debilitating a person from multiple ranges. This puts them at a massive advantage compared to your average homeless person or impoverished criminal, who likely can’t even afford a gun.

1. The average person doesn't have your grasp of probabilities.

2. You're still asking him to take a small chance with his life.

I don’t know what you mean here. I’m not trying to be stupid, I just have no idea what you’re trying to get at. I don’t see what either point has to do with my statement.

I don't know how I can be more clear. Maybe you can explain what you don't understand.

I don't know where you pulled that quote from, as it's very 'leading' which usually makes for a terrible quote. a better quote would be.

"A cop should uphold the law they swore an oath to protect, even if it means putting their own life at risk"

... putting their own life at risk, even towards no end. Even if the stated purpose of that risk is subsequently undermined.

The idea that police officers are in constant danger of coming home in a body bag is copaganda. Police work is one of the safer occupations. We don't idolize the guys/gals who pick up our trash, but they have higher death rates.

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